Véronique Guerrieri




A born artist, Véronique Guerrieri devotes herself to the organization of exhibitions of international artists, before devoting herself fully to her art... and to consider her own.
She began to be talked about in 1994, when she helped the artist ARMAN to produce "Hope for Peace", one of the greatest contemporary works in the world.
32 meters high, 6,000 tons heavy, this XXL work is installed in Beirut, in front of the Ministry of Defence. This collaboration propels her to the front of the stage.
Then pushed by her peers, she begins to reveal her work.
From then on, she multiplied her appearances and exhibited all over the world.
In 2008, his career took a real turn, thanks to "Baby King", an exhibition of resin sculptures on the theme of the only child, which was a great success in Shanghai and then in Japan. Rabbit comforter, Cosmonaut, since then, the artist appropriates the codes of childhood and declines them in a poetic universe, tinged with humor and irony.
When asked about the scope of her works, Veronique Guerrieri replies that they tell singular stories that are addressed "to big children who leave
improve in them their child's soul".
All the stories of Véronique Guerrieri can be discovered at the Nuances et Lumière Gallery.