


Jorge Colomina was born in 1953 in the Spanish town of Alcoy, in the province of Alicante. Spain, under Franco in the 60’s, was for Jorge synonymous with his parents fleeing the country for Marseille in France – without him. He joined them in 1963 with his brother.
From early childhood, he strongly expressed his passion for drawing and painting. Just installed in Paris with his family, his keen curiosity and flavor for art led him to discover the numerous museums in the city of lights.
With brush in hand, he learned, he persevered: etchings, sketches, paintings… Finally, at the age of 30, he decided to dedicate his career exclusively to his art … He chose the city of Antibes on the French Riviera and the splendors of Mediterranean coastline as a welcoming home to live out his desire to paint in total freedom.
A Self-Made style in the tradition of his masters
From as far back as he can remember, Colomina admired Picasso, Miro, Cézanne, Matisse… He studied their works and constantly looked to find his own unique style… The influences his life’s path, the multiple facettes of a man… His attachment to vivid colors, movement…is used to express with passion and emotion the themes he represents… Colomina’s painting, if it had to be defined, could be considered « Figurative-Abstract » .